API Asia – Conference 2023


What’s Exciting?

Registration and Opening


8:30AM TO 9:30AM

Rethinking Sri Lanka: “The Power of API in the Digital Economy”

09:30 AM TO 10:10AM

Economic Reorganization through Open Ecosystems

10.10 AM – 10.40 AM

Tea Break

10.40 AM – 11.15 AM

Enhancing Experience through AI


11.15 AM – 11.45 AM

Fireside Chat

11.45 AM – 12.45 PM

Lunch Break

12:45PM TO 02:15 PM

Open Banking to Open Eco System

02:15 PM to 02:45 PM

Converge and Collaborate for Financial Innovation

02.45 pm – 03.15 pm

FinTech Case Study

03.15 pm – 03.45 pm

Panel Discussion

03:45 PM to 04:30 PM

AI and it’s transformative impact on Business


02:15 PM to 02:45 PM

Generative AI – The Life Changer

02.45 pm – 03.15 pm

Ethical Consideration in AI Development and Deployment

03.15 pm – 03.45 pm

Panel Discussion

03:45 PM to 04:30 PM

“Data-Driven Governance and Citizen Engagement”

02:15 PM to 02:45 PM

“Smart Infrastructure and Sustainable Urban Planning”

02.45 pm – 03.15 pm

Case Study – “Resilient Cities: Adapting to fast-changing technology”


03.15 pm – 03.45 pm

Fireside Chat

03:45 PM to 04:30 PM

First Pour

05:30 PM

Final Pour

10:00 PM